This poem is a response to:

Almost Feelings

A flutter in the chest,
a beat of the heart,
a search for the eyes.
Afraid of the misstep.
Afraid of the first step.

Tiptoe around the merry-go-round,
wondering if love leaves a trail
for only those worthy to walk upon.
Are rosy skies the only gift to offer?
But waiting and watching
builds the walls around our hearts.
Walls close to breaking down
around the lonely heart
quickly mortared and repaired.
Cautioning the flutter of the chest,
mistaking love for lust.
Tampering the flurry of emotions,
for they might not be the right one.
Locking away our true desires,
before it can be opened again.
Leaving only the trails of regret
for us to retrace
and hidden treasures
for us to rediscover.

Feature Image: “tumblr_olzyimJ00O1u2neyco1_500-r2b0u6-26vq00o.Gif.” Faceless-Ones, Yahoo, 26 Feb. 2017,

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2 thoughts on “Almost Feelings ~ Inspired by Nikita Gill”

  1. Aaron,

    I discovered a treasure in this. It is what is refereed to as: Short and Sweet. I honestly see no points that require improvement in the entirety of it. I love the imagery used to show the fear we all have about making mistakes. How you have shown that sometimes people just overthink things or think that they’re not worthy, but might end up regretting it. My only regret is that there was no more to read.
    Thank you so much for sharing this gem with us.


    1. Thank you very much for your comment, Naimah! I am very glad that you were able to decipher the underlying message I wanted to convey, and I thank you for coming to my blog. 🙂

      I wish you well in your Creative Writing journey.

      With love,

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