Me, the Evaluator

  • What is the TITLE and what is the significance of the TITLE? 

    • Fairy Tale

      • The reason why I named this piece, “Fairy Tale” was because there are some things that we believed couldn’t ever happen. But as history and current events show, we can no longer afford to think of some things as “just a figment of our imagination”, but rather, consider certain issues facing our world as real.


  • In 17 words summarize what your piece is about in terms of theme and what happens.
    • Society must deal with the issues and implications of bullying, instead of sweeping it under the rug.


  • What was your purpose and audience for your piece?
    • The purpose of this piece was to frame the idea of an “evil entity”, which was represented by the way the Shane Koyczan discussed cyberbullying in his piece of Trolls. My piece has two audiences, where one audience is the bullies, and have them recognize how they harm others on a deeper level than they realize through the lines.

      “Left mirrors of lives shattered to pieces,
      not wanting to see the monster you have become,
      not bearing to look at your victims in the eyes,
      not caring for remorse.”

    • Through this excerpt, I wanted to capture the idea that it is easier to commit the act than to acknowledge one’s wrongdoings and apologize to others by looking them in the eye and recognizing that you had a hand to play in this situation. Another stanza is,

      “Leaving no one unharmed,
      your loathing and rage
      found homes in the hearts of those you embraced.
      Planting seeds of doubt that
      when they sprout,
      create destruction from within.”

    • Where this excerpt represents the experiences that victims have in social circles, and as a result of the constant external judgment, it fuels the internal judgment and twisted perceptions of the victim as well.

    • The other audience, which I believe is a bigger one, is those who witness these acts. Speaking up, which can be the hardest thing to do, as individuals fear of being entangled in affairs not of their own, needs to be something that we can’t turn a blind eye to, which is represented in the idea that

      “we can no longer afford
      to think of you as
      just only
      a figment of our imagination.”


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